मुख पृष्ठ » आन्ध्र प्रदेश » NTR » Vijayawada (Rural) » Vikas High School Rd

Vikas High School Rd, Vijayawada (Rural)

निकटतम नामित भवन

  • - 407 m
    vikas school road 8/122
    It consists of three portions. On front we have a noodles selling ship and water plant along with a fancy shop. Back side we have residential home which is under shed and they consist of an air conditioner.

निकटतम सेवाएं

मोटर वाहन



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Vikas High School Rd से जुड़ी सड़कों और चौकों की सूची

 OSM Tags

way typeresidential
nameVikas High School Rd